Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well hello family!

Life in Virginia is pretty far at least. I bought a knife to protect myself from the CRAZY dogs here...i swear that every dog here is out to kill me, im not even kidding! The other night was pretty funny...Elder Fenton and i were tracting around 6pm or so?...and these two kittens would not leave us alone. They would walk with us like dogs, and they would step in front of us so we would step on them? They followed us up to the doors so while Elder Fenton was trying to talk to people, i was holding these two stupid cats so they wouldn't run into the houses!...ugh. I'm sure that i looked absolutely dumb, but oh well.

Today is P-day, and we have four appointments scheduled...but i don't think Jesus ever took a why should we right? hahaha jk. But we're working hard (or at least i like to think so) and we have four investagators. It is pretty cool to see how much somebody craves the gospel, people here are so lost! Good thing the missionaries are here to save the apostate people of Christiansburg. There is seriously a church on every corner, so it makes it hard to get people to listen.
Oh yeah, i don't think i told y'all in my last email, but i live like ten minutes away from Virginia Tech! HAHAHA. The people in my ward hate me for being from Boise, but oh well. I am in a ward, not a branch. But in an area close to mine...there is a branch. There church is in the middle of a strip mall! It's so crazy to go there, i have never seen anything like that before. That branch is having a few baptisms next week and guess what they are using for the baptismal font?....a horse trough!!! Hahaha, i guess you'll do anything to be baptized right?
The trees here are starting to turn colors and it's so pretty, i can't wait for it to really get into fall.

I got lucky, because i am in a car area, so no biking for me!

The other day we tracted a street called Rolling Hills...and yes, the neighboorhood was just like it sounds....ROLLNG HILLS. I'll have legs of steel after my mission, that's for sure.

There is a family in our ward who is really rich, and has a full we get to go there and work out on that's really nice to have! They also have a tennis court and stuff, it's pretty fun.

I get all of your letters and i promise that i'll write you back! Haha.

Elder Fenton and I knock on every door....and the other night Elder Fenton forced open this gate (there was aslo a sign that said no tresspassing), the lady who opened the door was....not happy with us, to say the least. HAHAH. She told us to "get the BLEEEEP off her porch." HAHAHAHA! But we give everybody a chance to hear us, so it's her loss, not ours. :)

I'm doing great so no need to worry about me. Keep the letters coming, and thanks for all the love and support!

Til my next email....Love y'all,
-Elder Crane

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