Friday, December 24, 2010

November 8, 2010

Well this week was an interesting one...not too much success, but we talked to a lot of people. On this one street, we talked to THREE preachers...ugh. I walked away from one of them and said "have fun in the tellestial kingdom, i'll come visit ya every once in a while..." But that wasn't very Christ like now was it?! Haha. But i have since then repented and wont do that again. lol. They always say how they are concerned for "our salvation" We talked to all of them and then leave, i try my best to keep my cool because they think they know everything! lol. I tell ya what...out here you either gain a testimony (quickly), or you lose the little one you had. You get attacked from all of the protistant churches on a daily who constantly try your faith. It can be really frustrating at times, but i love it! I have honestly been blessed with patience here, i have learned to nod my head and smile. :) It's their loss, not mine. The other day Elder Mulks and i were tracting and saw this older guy out raking leaves by himself (which is no small project in VA) and we asked hime if he wanted some help. He said no...but we could tell that he did want some help. So we just rolled up our sleeves and started to help him pack these huge tarps full of leaves up his driveway/mountain. It was really neat. He wasnt very interestd in talking about church but he was a super nice guy and hopefully we planted a seed for the other missionaries who will tract into him some other day. :) But i found a scripture that tells you how to be the best missionary...its Alma 26:22. I have been trying my best to apply this scriputre in my life. It's hard, but it came from one of the best missionaries to ever walk the planet, so i think i'll try and take his advice huh? :) So yeah, it is absolutely bone chilling freezing. The wind makes you want to curl in a ball and stay inside. You walk outside and your INSTANTLY freezing (im sure papa knows what i'm talkin about). Lets see...nothing else to really report. This week we have seven appointments scheduled, thats a really good week here so hopefully they all go as planned. Thank you for all of your letters!! :)
Elder Crane

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