Monday, November 1, 2010

Well this week was an interesting one for sure. Remember in my last letter how we tracted into some Jehovas Witness missionaries?...well this week they tracted into us!! It was so funny...when he saw two LDS missionaries open the door i swear that he was going to wet himself. But we were very nice and accepted his pamphlet and gave him some pointers on his door approach! hahaha. he was way to nervous and started to stutter...i actually felt bad for him. It was honestly a blessing for him to come because it made me feel like my door approaches were really good (compared to his), and it also made me realize how important it is do have a good door approach. The other night we ate at a members house, and at the end we usually leave a spiritual thought, and a prayer. Well...i gave the spiritual thought, and Elder Mulks gave the prayer. During the prayer, Elder Mulks said..."thank you for the meal, and for brothe5 and sister...uh....uh..." he TOTALLY forgot their names. It was so funny and i had to exort all my energy not to laugh. hahahaha. We booked it out of there and laughed and laughed and laughed at how emberassing it was. It was halloween last night, so as you can imagine, it's really hard to go door to door. lol. So instead, we walked around downtown Christiansburg and OYM'd people (open your mouth). Which is where you just walk up to a random person and start telling them how the church is true...i love doing it! At night when we plan for the next day we do this thing thats called "asking the lord for a referral" We pray to know where it is we need to tract, then we look at a city map and write down five streets, then we compare our lists...and there is always two or three streets that are the same...out of the entire map of the city! Oh man, its so cool when that happens. So we know we definently need to hit up those streets. :) well have a wonderful week and thanks (like always) for the letters and support. I love y'all.

Elder Crane

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